Should I worry about radiation exposure from X-rays, mammograms and other scans?, The Washington Post, publikováno 30.9.2018
Should You Worry about the Radiation from CT scans?, The Washington Post, publikováno 4.1.2016
The Hidden Dangers of Medical Scans, Time, publikováno 22.11.2014
We Are Giving Ourselves Cancer, The New York Times, publikováno 30.1.2014
Fear vs. Radiation: The Mismatch, The New York Times, publikováno 21.10.2013
Are you worried about CT scans?, DailyTelegraph, publikováno 29.6.2013
Study examines cancer risk from pediatric radiation exposure from CT scans, ScienceDaily, publikováno 10.6.2013
Child CT scans could raise cancer risk slightly, USA Today, publikováno 7.6.2012
CT scans increase children’s cancer risk, study finds, The New York Times, publikováno 6.6.2012
Many hospitals overuse double CT scans, data show, napsala Julie Applebyand Jordan Rau, The Washington Post, publikováno 18.6.2011
Bad X-rays found again at a Brooklyn Hospital, napsal Walt Bogdanich a Kristina Rebelo, The New York Times, publikováno 12.4.2011
X-rays and unshielded infants, napsal Walt Bogdanich a Kristina Rebelo, The New York Times, publikováno 27.2.2011
3-rd L.A.-area hospital in radiation overdose probe, Los Angeles Times, publikováno 8.12.2009